If you want to succeed in life, you gotta put in the hours. There is no shortcut to success.
That was what my dad would tell me growing up.
You see, both my parents were government servants, working for monthly pay checks.
My dad had a durian farm and growing up, that’s where I spent my weekends. He had no weekends, he will be strapping these fertilizers on his back, going from tree to tree spraying under the sun.
I remember throwing a huge fit one time and all I wanted was to watch cartoons at home in an air conditioned room. At that time, my mum
Now don’t get me wrong.
I’m not asking you to take it easy.
I believe in hard work. We gotta put in the time to learn in order to be best at our craft…
12 years ago, I used to work for 18-19 hours a day, chasing after the money, so that I can take care of my parents and not having to worry about looking at the right side of the menu when we go to restaurants.
However, all that changed the first time I went on a snowboarding trip about 11 years ago.
I discovered the power of being present.
When I was learning how to snowboard, I would fall when I lose my focus or when I get distracted.
What if that’s all it takes to be the best at your craft?
The ability to be laser focused and be present. Not working 18 hours a day.
Don’t get me wrong. You still have to put in the work.
You won’t get anywhere just sitting around and not doing anything, right?
The question I want you to ask yourself is, have you ever been derailed from your goals and intentions just because you were distracted?
I know I have. In fact many times and even until today.
But that’s okay, as long as you get back on track.
Be present right now and give 100% to right now.