In this blog post, I’m going to be sharing with you the #1 skill that pays the bills both online and offline.
I bet you’re curious as to what it could be.
Imagine this: If you could have any ONE skill in business right now, what skill would you want to have?
Communication, patience, leadership, persistence…
Or something more technical like programming, designing or copywriting…
Well, let me tell you this: the #1 skill that really pays the bills both online and offline is:
As a marketer, you want to be sure that you are focused on the Big Picture.
Now, while I understand that not everyone may consider themselves good at marketing to others, the good news is that marketing is a learnable, trainable skill.
Marketing and knowing how to sell is crucial for any business.
Think about all the things involved in running an online business. Whether you’re creating a sales letter, a sales video, or speaking on a platform in front of thousands of people, you need to know how to sell, or more specifically – how to close.
At the end of the day, marketing is crucial for any business.
The only problem is this: When it comes to selling, there’s usually a few big mental blocks that stops people from doing it.
I’ll share them with you here, so you can identify them and get rid of them.
#1 – Most people don’t like being sold to
A lot of people don’t like the word “sales”, or any other related form of it.
Even you – the one reading this right now – you might be nodding your head and thinking that you don’t like being sold to.
Now, that’s normal… and there are probably a lot of other people out there who feel the same way.
But the problem here is that if YOU don’t like sales – then it’s always going to be a mental block that stops you from doing what you need to do.
So as an online entrepreneur, the question that you need to ask yourself is: “How do I sell to people without being pushy or sales-y?”
Because as I mentioned earlier, this is a CRUCIAL skill.
If you know how to sell, it’s pretty much a license to print money.
I’ve been speaking on many different platforms and stages, and managed to generate over a million dollars just by speaking for 90 minutes and selling my course for about $5,000. And I’ve seen other speakers do the same.
Let’s face it – there aren’t many businesses out there where a person can make a million dollars in under 90 minutes… so being able to sell and close people is a pretty big deal.
#2 – Most people think “selling” is a negative thing
This is another common mental block that a lot of people have.
“Selling’s not for me.”
“I don’t like selling because I don’t want to be pushy.”
The thing is, “selling” is a word with very negative connotations.
The only way to get past this mental block is to remove the negative image that you may associate with the word “sell”.
Instead of thinking from the viewpoint of “selling”, come instead from the angle that you are helping them. You have to believe in the product that you are selling.
You’re not pushing your product on them – you’re recommending a valuable product that can help them solve their problem.
Once you come from this viewpoint, you’ll find that it changes your negative ideas about selling and will help you move forward.
#3 – Most people have a fear of selling to others
This might just be one of the most common issues that people come to me with: the fear of selling to others.
“I don’t like the feeling that everyone’s looking at me.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“I can’t do it without a script.”
Actually, the only script that you need when it comes to selling is getting your audience to understand who you are.
Once they know who you are and hear your story, they will be willing to invest.
Sounds simple? It really is.
And here’s the good news:
I’ve prepared a free training series online that you can get for free if you want to learn how I’ve managed to sell online as well as offline over the last couple of years.
How many of you would like a free resource that would help you when it comes to learning how to market your products: whether it’s a service, physical product or digital product?
We’ll be giving you the script and the training that I’ve used myself – which I’ve developed and perfected after learning from the best of the best in the world.
One of the people I’ve learned from and worked with is Joel Bauer. He’s trained many of the best speakers out there today – he’s even trained Presidents in the art of speaking!
I managed to persuade him to work with my team and I on a free video training series; you’ll want to go to this website: Closing For The Money
We’ll show you how you can close both online and offline, and how you can integrate that script in your sales videos, seminars, webinars…. and most importantly, how you can do it in a way that’s non-salesy, non-pushy and non-manipulative.
Feel free to leave a comment or question below and I’ll speak to you again soon.