Have you ever taken on a customer or client that you know you shouldn’t have taken on… But you did anyway? I know I have. 8 years ago, I took on an agency based model where I wanted to close every single lead …Continue reading
Your Facebook ads should kick ass by now but…
You’ve done it all. You’ve planned and executed your best Facebook ad campaigns. But something is still not clicking. Well, guess what? Out of the thousands or millions of people you targeted, there’s a good …Continue reading
Have YOU been cutting back or doubling down?
As you read this… Millions of businesses are shrinking or worse, shutting down COMPLETELY. After working from home for nearly half a year… my team and I are finally back in the office. And it got me thinking, ‘’Wow. We …Continue reading
Your ads are no good without this scroll stopper…
*RECORD SCRATCH* Aha, I got you. I got you to stop and read this. Now this is exactly what you need to be doing with your ads. Everyone knows that social media is all about getting... attention. It’s a shallow …Continue reading
Let me let you in on this YouTube hack…
What makes you STOP? When you’re scrolling through hundreds of posts on social media be it on Facebook, Instagram or even YouTube… What catches your eye? Now we all know that social media is all about grabbing people’s …Continue reading