I’ve been on the go non-stop for the past couple months. I really deserve a holiday. In early July I held my signature seminar Internet Income Intensive in KL and a week later flew to the US for business where I’ve been traveling …Continue reading
Public Speaking
Internet Income Intensive : Moving Forward
I’ve been posting a lot about Internet Income Intensive lately, I know. It’s bound to be on my mind for at least a while longer, since it did just end last weekend. Yesterday, I did the event debrief with my team as I usually do. I …Continue reading
Internet Income Intensive July 2013
Unless you’re a first time visitor to this blog, chances are you’ve heard of Internet Income Intensive, my signature seminar. In a nutshell, it is a 3 day internet marketing workshop where I help people realize their dreams of making a …Continue reading
National Achievers Congress Singapore 2013
I just got back from Singapore a couple days ago where I was among thousands of people attending the National Achievers Congress. As I mentioned previously, I am a personal growth junkie. So as usual the lineup was ridiculously …Continue reading
Internet Income Intensive: The Silent Sales Machine
Last weekend I held my signature seminar – Internet Income Intensive. It’s basically a workshop where participants can follow me step-by-step as I guide them through the entire process of making money online. By the end of the weekend …Continue reading