Have you ever taken on a customer or client that you know you shouldn’t have taken on…
But you did anyway?
I know I have.
8 years ago, I took on an agency based model where I wanted to close every single lead possible.
Even when I knew they weren’t the right fit, I’d say yes anyway because I wanted to make that sale.
And to no surprise, those people turned out to be nightmare clients.
Nothing was good enough no matter what I did.
Just because of a few misfits, things became a living hell for me.
I was frustrated at those clients but mostly… at myself for taking them on in the first place.
When you’re starting out, you’re going to want more leads so that you have more to work with.
But as you get more sales and struggle to handle fulfilment… you might decide to go down a different path.
This is when you may decide to prioritize quality leads instead of quantity.
What if you could avoid situations like these?
I just released a video showing you how to filter quality leads, fulfil with ease and still have a higher ROI.
The days of cracking your head to qualify leads are over.
Model, customize and achieve the exact results you want.
All the experiences I’ve had have taught me that…
Having a list of characteristics that ideal clients need to have before I take them on, makes a huge difference.
In this video, I will be showing you exactly how we sell all of our high ticket offers through an application funnel.
Join me as I reveal the steps to selling high ticket coaching, consulting and services online.
Watch this video now:
==> https://youtu.be/w2SSbzcSAOg