Have you ever wondered what’s something that separates legends from the average joe?
If you take a look at people like Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Steve Jobs – the one thing that makes them different is the consistency in what they do. They don’t just give up after failing once.
Consistency is key to success regardless of what you do; whether it’s in business or training at the gym.
Personally, the thing that helped me stay consistent was patience. Whether it’s business or training at the gym, I’m not in competition with anyone else.
If I were to look back at my life, when I first started training at the gym 9 years ago, the 2009 version of me would be very disappointed with the shape that I’m in now. Because this is the physique that I’ve only managed to achieve in 9 years with the help of a personal trainer 5 days a week.
But here’s the thing – during this journey, I learnt the importance of nutrition, how much carbs to take and how to count my macros. It was a learning process.
Most people want fast results. This is what everyone is trying to sell. If you speak to a personal trainer, they’re going to try and sell you a package on how to get your dream body in 90 days.
Frankly, that is not sustainable and soon, you’ll find it hard to be consistent with what you’re doing, especially if you don’t enjoy it.
When I first started going to the gym, it was a chore. It took a lot of willpower but today, training at the gym is the reason why I can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning.
Most people are dabblers, they like to start something, do it for a week and move on to the next thing. This is what’s known as the shiny object syndrome.
Most people are just starting but success is not about how you start, it’s about how you finish.
That makes all the difference.
So find the joy in the grind and find the consistency in the hustle.
Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfzMsLiF4OE&feature=youtu.be