When it comes to scaling, if you don’t know what you’re doing… things can really go wrong. A $212k campaign that we’d launched in April till the end of June… … got us 5x in returns. A lot of people out there offer …Continue reading
Behind the scenes of a $200,000 campaign (model this)
Copy this exact campaign. I always say this and I’ll say it again. Just because you’re starting out, it doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch. You don’t have to figure everything out on your own. The key …Continue reading
Your business is drowning in the sea of sameness…
You have only two choices. You either beat your competition by being better or fall out and lose. Do you agree? To me, not necessarily. Not always. But what you have to be is… DIFFERENT. If you stay doing what …Continue reading
The middle guy always wins…
What if I were to tell you that you’ve been using Instagram the wrong way? Posting, selling and doing things the traditional way… it doesn’t work anymore. A question that I asked myself recently… “what would I do if I were to lose …Continue reading
200 million TikTok accounts gone in a split second…
*SNAP* In just a split second, 200 million people lost all their content and followers. That’s what happened when India decided to ban TikTok and it seems like many other countries are considering doing the same. Dedicated …Continue reading