Some of you may have noticed that recently, I started doing live streams (or scopes) on Periscope. It's basically an app for either Android or iPhone that allows people to stream live via mobile, or to watch other people's streams. It's …Continue reading
Social Media
Biggest Takeaways with Brendon Burchard
I just finished a 4-day live event at the Marriott in Santa Clara with Brendon Burchard so I thought I'd take some time to check in with you and share my biggest takeaways. Brendon and I met in Singapore earlier this year when …Continue reading
The Viral Poop Video
A lot of people struggle with marketing a boring product. Don’t be one of them. It’s not about creating exciting content about tax filing, hair loss or maritime law. It’s about exciting your target audience. You see, people don’t …Continue reading
Kick-Ass Marketing Tips You May Have Forgotten
I’ve been in this business for a long time now but I have to admit that I’m still constantly learning new things. I make mistakes, because I’m not perfect. And sometimes, I have to relearn even the really basic things – stuff I …Continue reading
The Biggest Social Media Fallacies That You’re Probably Guilty Of Right Now
In this day and age, tons of online marketers are going with social media as a marketing strategy to drive sales and traffic. You can’t blame them. Everyone’s on social media these days. However, social media marketing has been around …Continue reading