Never underestimate yourself. One of the most common statements I receive from students is that nobody will ever listen to them because they're not experts, so why should they bother? And I've answered time and time again, that people …Continue reading
Content Creation
The Viral Poop Video
A lot of people struggle with marketing a boring product. Don’t be one of them. It’s not about creating exciting content about tax filing, hair loss or maritime law. It’s about exciting your target audience. You see, people don’t …Continue reading
The One Sentence That Will Make You Rich
Have you ever abandoned an email account because it’s just too full of mail you have no interest in opening, let alone reading? You are not alone. From automatic email notifications from social networks, newsletters, random forwarded …Continue reading
Guest Posting For Total Noobs
“Guest blogging” or “guest posting” simply means writing or publishing an article on someone else’s website or blog. It’s not something every blogger allows, though. Those who guest blog mainly do it because it’s an amazing strategy …Continue reading
Blog Posts… Does Length Matter?
If you own a blog, and regularly update it, I’m sure you follow the advice most people give: to provide content that is valuable and relevant to your readers, right? You don’t want to simply update for the sake of updating. You need …Continue reading