A lot of people say and that we hear this all the time, that to do what you love. That as long as you focus on doing something that you love and the money will follow. Looking back. I have tried this path and I can tell you that …Continue reading
#At The End Of The Day
How To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure And Take Massive Action
This is a common situation for many of us including business owners where we are constantly buzzing around like hummingbird. Repeatedly, we are strategizing, planning, learning, reading and we are just constantly starting …Continue reading
What Was The Major Turning Point In Your Life That Changed You
I am going to be telling you about one of the worst moment I have in my life which happened over 10 years ago. It was the day where I received a letter from the government official. It stated that I fail to fulfill the requirement …Continue reading
How Hard Work Alone Isnt Enough To Take You To The Top
I am certain that hard work alone isn't enough to make you successful in business or in life. Yes, hard work pays off. It separates you from the majority of people who isn’t motivated to work hard in the things they do. …Continue reading
Whose Success Clues Are You Modelling And All You Need Is Just One
Think about what you love doing and pour yourself into it. When we enjoy the work that we do, we are more likely to accomplish the goals and dreams we have in life. So, it is important to find the lifestyle that works for you. When it …Continue reading