The video above was taken after a recent event in Ho Chi Minh city, where I wanted to share my thoughts on what I’ve learned after spending an entire 7 days in Vietnam.
There were about 2000 people at that event, and the sheer energy and enthusiasm I witnessed in the room really humbled and inspired me.
After travelling to so many different countries, one might think that I would get tired of constantly being away from home, missing my family and friends and just being tired of the jetlag and unfamiliarity. But I can honestly tell you that every time I visit a different country, I’ve found that I learn a lot, and the experiences I have are something I wouldn’t exchange for anything else in the world.
So, after a week in Vietnam, I’ve learned some pretty powerful lessons along the way. Allow me to share them with you now.
What I Learned After A Week In Vietnam
Here’s the biggest difference between doing events in Europe, and in Asia: The hunger of the people.
One thing I really respect about the people in developing countries is their absolute hunger for knowledge, and the reason is because they don’t get a lot of opportunities here.
I’ve done events in Europe, and I can tell you that normally when we end the event at 7pm, everyone’s gone, right out the door in minutes.
Meanwhile in Vietnam, I was taking pictures and answering questions with people until 10pm (way after the event ended), just being with the participants – and the reason I did that was because I was really impressed by their thirst for knowledge.
A lot of people always ask me this:
What is the #1 most crucial element to succeed in life?
Well, for me I think that success always begins with a burning desire.
Why is it that people can come into the same room, get the same information, but still get totally different results?
Because it all begins with the burning desire to succeed.
So now, what I’d like you to think about is: What is your burning desire in your life?
Because if you can figure out your WHY in life, then you’ll be able to figure out the HOW.
People often go: “Hey Peng Joon, I want to make a million dollars.”
But they have no idea why they want to do so. Or maybe their why in life is not strong or compelling enough.
So that’s why the first thing that you want to do is figure out what your WHY is in life, and it will give you that burning desire to succeed. And once you have your burning desire, that’s pretty much the start of success.
So that’s what I learned after a week in Vietnam.
As short as this blog post was, I hope that it inspired you and provided you with value.
I look forward to providing you guys with more videos, more value, more inspiration and knowledge in future.
As always, please leave a comment, and I look forward to hearing from you.
I’ll see you in the next post.