I was digging through a couple of old emails to pass to my auditors when I stumbled upon some photos I totally forgot about. It was the proposals I received when I was thinking of building Smobble.
It was just a dream back then. Dreaming is good.
But what’s even better is waking up, turning that dream into a goal, and making it a reality.
Millions of people around the world want to make money online. They want it fast, easy and instant. Click button software, sign up to start earning, get rich quick schemes…
If these things worked, I’d be doing them.
But they don’t.
I’m not saying that it takes a lot of hard work. But you do need to work on it. Consistently.
And that’s what I did.
Back in the day I was working a 9-5 job. After work was over and my colleagues left the office, I would stay back and work on my websites. A little everyday goes a long way.
Eventually as the money came in I took a chance, quit my job and focused entirely on my online business.
My initial dream of making money online had come true.
I could have continued on that path. Making money online on my own. Keeping the profits to myself.
I was making more than enough to support my lifestyle and look after the people I care about.
But I felt a need to grow.
Not just professionally but personally too.
So I started chasing a new dream.
To own my own office where I could set up an in-house team. Train people in what I do. Make them specialists in their field the way I never could be. Graphic design, product creation, programming, copywriting… Leverage off their talents and skills. And scale my business to greater heights.
Four years ago I received a mock up proposal of what my future could look like.
It made me drool.
I put myself in overdrive and hired someone to hire my team.
Fast forward to today and Smobble is nearly 30 people strong and growing, rapidly.
I couldn’t be prouder of them.
A chair is still a chair, even when there’s no one sitting there… But a house is not a home until there are people who care about one another. And my team makes Smobble feel like home.
Here’s what Smobble looks like today
As Les Brown says, “Aim for the moon, because even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”
And that’s what happens when you pursue a dream wholeheartedly.