I’ve helped a lot of people find their way to success online, but for each one that succeeds, there will also usually be another person that doesn’t make it.
Mostly, these are the people who don’t implement what I’ve taught them.
They also seem to make the same kinds of mistakes – the kind that can be easily remedied, but if left unaddressed, could mean the difference between success and failure.
And sometimes, they’re the ones standing in their own way to success.
Here are five habits you should break if you want to stop yourself from stopping yourself:
1. Chinese proverb says: “Got head, but no tail!”
It’s not a good thing when you keep starting new things/projects, but can’t even complete one.
You’ll never get anything done that way.
For some reason, some people just can’t focus – they worry that their final product isn’t good enough, or that it’s not perfect and they won’t be able to make changes later.
This is why I tell people not to be perfectionists.
To quote Seth Godin in his book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?: “The only purpose of starting is to finish.”
Don’t focus on making it perfect. Focus on finishing what you start.
2. Listening to your doubts.
You can hear your doubts out, but you’re not supposed to listen to them.
If you come up with a new idea for your business, it’s normal to immediately start thinking of ways it might be impractical. That’s fair.
But if doubts and fears are keeping you from putting your ideas into action, you should probably stop before they convince you to not even try.
Stop yourself before you let your doubt talk you out of something that could help your business improve, develop and grow.
3. Believing you’re always right.
We know that’s not true.
Even the smartest, most talented geniuses can get things wrong.
Yes, even me, and I’m awesome enough as it is.
Seriously though, if you can’t acknowledge your mistakes, you’re missing out on an opportunity to learn.
Instead of seeing mistakes as failures, see them as stepping stones to success.
Stay humble, admit when you’re wrong, and don’t be too proud to ask for advice if you need it.
4. Giving excuses
“I want to do this, but…”
“That sounds great, but…”
Remember this video? It applies here, too.
You will always have excuses.
The timing isn’t right, you don’t have the skills, you don’t think you can do it – STOP IT.
Make the decision to jump in the deep end and just go for it. Create options for yourself, be flexible and be brave.
5. Telling your ideas to negative people
Don’t do this.
Not everyone can handle the awesomeness of your dream or vision. Unfortunately, sometimes this includes friends and family members.
Like Will Smith said in The Pursuit of Happyness, if you have a dream, you have to protect it.
So don’t talk to people who will just drag you down with negative thinking and “You shouldn’t do it”s.