Have you ever abandoned an email account because it’s just too full of mail you have no interest in opening, let alone reading?
You are not alone.
From automatic email notifications from social networks, newsletters, random forwarded junk from so-called friends and the odd catch-up from an actual person you know, every inbox in the world is stuffed with junk.
I have a friend who has over 3000 unread mail in his gmail account. And he has no intention of going through any of them.
The money is in the list.
But if no one is opening your mail then you’re not going to make a cent.
As a marketer it’s an uphill struggle to get your message across among the deluge of noise flooding your prospects’ inbox. That’s why you have to focus on your subject line.
Many people make the mistake of putting all their effort into sculpting the perfect email that they skip past the copy of the actual subject header.
Your email subject is on the front line of your marketing campaign.
Think of it as the first conversion. Once you get that click, then you can concentrate on getting clicks on your provided links.
So how do you optimize an email subject line?
Here are my top 6 tips to optimizing your email subject line:
1. Speak Their Language
Every niche has it’s own target market and a certain vernacular that comes with it. If you’re in gaming, you’re not going to speak like a 70 year old fart. And if you’re into women’s health, don’t go around YOLO-ing. It’s common sense really. But yes, use language and messaging that your market is familiar and excited about. On top of that, think about what would compel them to read your email. What message or solution can you provide that would heal a problem or fill a need? Think about their fears and address them.
2. Use Action
Verbs that connote some form of action have been proven to get more clicks. So rather than putting something like “Webinar On Puppy Potty Training,” I suggest something like “Watch These 3 Steps To Potty Train Your Pup.” The action of “watching” is a lot more intriguing than a regular announcement of something like a webinar. Even though the content of that email is the same. Make sense?
3. Stay Away From Spam
Email providers have special spam filters to keep out emails that contain certain words. That means you need to be wary of using words like “cash,” “quote” and “save.”
4. Consistency
The subject line is a promise to your reader that you’ll deliver in the content of your email. So don’t say you’re giving out 75% discount coupons in the subject, and then put something completely irrelevant in your actual email. You may get a click but it won’t count for much if your reader feels cheated. Plus in the long-run if you continue to practice this, people will stop opening your emails altogether because they won’t trust you.
5. K.I.S.S.
Keep It Short & Sweet.
Subject lines get cut off it they’re too long. Especially on mobile. Try to keep your copy within 50 characters so that readers are able to see the whole message of your email subject.
6. Don’t Be Too Clever
A lot of the time marketers try too hard to be mysterious. And while a little teaser is a good idea, don’t go too far out of the box that your reader is left too confused to care. Clarity is key with online copy.