They say it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to reach a level of mastery.
I’m still on my world tour, speaking with the National Achievers Congress. And I just visited the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
What really surprised me is that Van Gogh only started painting at the age of 27. On top of that, he was only able to paint for 10 years before passing away at the age of 37.
Yet he remains one of the most legendary and iconic artists of all time.
It made me think about how if you want to good at anything in life, you have to put time into it.
Every master was once a disaster.
In Van Gogh’s case, it wasn’t until his final years that he had an artistic breakthrough. Not to mention that in his lifetime, he only sold two paintings.
You have to master your craft.
Whether it’s internet marketing, forex trading, playing the guitar or golfing… Remember that it takes 10,000 hours to mastery.
Take the Olympics for example. What we see are these great athletes and their seamless movements. What we don’t see are the blood, sweat and tears behind-the-scenes. The years of training they’ve endured, the many times they’ve “failed” but kept on going.
Van Gogh painted for a total of 10 years. And his work lives on today, and likely will continue to inspire generations to come, long after I’m gone.
Think about what you really want to do in life. It may seem like a far-off goal that has many hurdles in your way. Most people quit what they start because they’re not willing to be bad at something.
Don’t compare your journey and hardships with someone else’s highlight reel.
You’re reading this blog and you’ve likely seen my success, but don’t be fooled into thinking that I was successful straight out of the gate.
Speaking at the National Achievers Congress, on this world tour, sharing the stage with amazing people like Les Brown and Nick Vujicic… This was my far-off goal just three years ago. With huge hurdles in my way.
The biggest hurdle of all was myself.
Because I had a fear of public speaking, I shied away from the stage. I signed up for trainings and workshops to learn how to speak to an audience. When I finally got my break to speak on stage, I was terrible!
But I refused to give up. I learned from my mistakes, attended more trainings and workshops, practiced and kept going.
And now I’m in Amsterdam speaking on the largest platform available to audiences of thousands!
Don’t be afraid of that initial stage of being bad at something. It is inevitable.
Nobody is a born speaker. Nobody is a born marketer. Nobody is born with an innate ability to make money online!
This is the reason I believe many people suffer form shiny object syndrome. They try something out for a week. When it doesn’t give them immediate results, when they realize that it’s going to take time for them to get better and to achieve their goal, they switch to something else.
People are constantly starting and never following through.
Stay true to your path of mastery.
I hope that the end of my video and this blog post marks the start of your path to mastery.