Many people believe that it is impossible to earn a month’s salary that is greater than the annual income. We are conditioned to believe that we are paid based on the time that we put in. If you are holding on to such limitation, I want you to eliminate it right now because it is totally possible to be making a whole lot more in a single month than in a single year and you really do not need to trade your time for money. But the strategy here is, you need to do some work to get the results that you want.
7 Ways To Make Money Online
I’m gonna break it down to you, the ones that have worked really, really well for me, so that you can see and start getting ideas of which one resonates the most with you to decide which action steps to take.
- Low Ticket Information Products
When I first started out in the online world, one of the first things that I ever sold was a $7 digital product. When I first started out in the gaming market, which is World of Warcraft, I didn’t really believe in my product. I didn’t really think anybody would buy my product. So, I just put it up for just $7, and it took me seven months to make my first sale. I knew that if I could do it once, all I needed to do then is to do it again and again, and that’s exactly what I did. I took a $7 product, and I eventually sold it at $37. Since then, I scaled it into other markets, into marketing and social media and took what it is that I knew, and documented it in the form of an information product that actually helps other people within that niche.
- Subscriptions
Some of the things that I’ve created in the past are very low ticket recurring products, mostly less than $100, in order to create a long-term sustainable income online. I believe that one of the most powerful things when it comes to creating recurring products is the pain of disconnect. To get great ideas on what are great markets for subscription, just take a look at what is being sold in the bookstores on the magazine stands to give yourself an idea on how you create a subscription model.
- Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is basically when you start promoting somebody else’s product and getting paid commissions in return. The biggest platforms in the world, they all have an affiliate program. Whether it’s Amazon for physical products, or ClickBank for digital products, all these different marketplaces are willing to give you a commission every time you refer a sale to them. The question is, what are other products out there that your audiences are going to buy anyway? And how can you place a product, a service, or something that genuinely helps them so that you can get paid commissions in return? That brings us to number four.
- Books
Books are like a magic code, or cheat code rather, in business and marketing. Somehow, when you place and position your thoughts onto pieces of paper, suddenly, the market sees you differently. You’re seen as an expert, as an authority in your marketplace. The truth is, not many people actually do it. Sometimes, it is not the sale of the book that makes you a lot of money, but, rather, what happens around the book that has made you a lot of money. Books can actually help you with branding and positioning and lead generation, and will actually help you get on radio, TV, newspaper, etc.
- Workshops or seminars
This step here might not be for everybody. If you are somebody that’s shy, introverted, or if you have the fear of speaking, that would be me a decade ago. I would have never thought that I would be doing what I’m doing right now, shooting videos, doing events, speaking in front of thousands of people, traveling the world, etc. However, if there’s a part of you that has this message that you know will help others, that can serve others at a much deeper level, know that this is a learnable, trainable skill. You could serve your audience and not just have a deeper impact, but also have an income. The perceived value and how much you have an audience to a live event versus an e-book is a completely different experience.
- Coaching
This is where people would pay you for the results you generate for them. You could work with the people that’s actually serious from the masses that now. They want to have private time with you, or in terms of a group setting, where you meet up with them once every week, every two weeks to keep them accountable, so that you can help them on their journey, to hold them by their hand, show them step by step, move by move on what it is that they need to be doing. A good coach will always make their students do the moves that they otherwise would not have done.
- Home study courses
A home study course should be a product where you package everything you know into a bundle. Take what it is that you know, your entire life experience, and package and bundle it into a formal course that helps people and charge them a certain amount for it. Create a home study course that helps your audience generate the result that they want. Create the course that helps your audience without killing yourself in the process because you’re not selling a service, so that it can help reach a whole lot more people, get a bigger following, and leverage through the technology that’s available today through webinars by selling your home study course.
If you take a look at what our educational system is doing is that it conditions people to think that time equals money, that we have to give up our time in order to generate wealth, and that’s how most people are paid. Most people are paid based on your time. Eliminate that thought right now and click here to watch how you can make money online without trading much of your time for it. Let me in the comments which of these methods you will be trying today.