When it comes to blogging, more often than not, people tell me their biggest issue is driving traffic.
That alone gets me a little heckled.
A blog should exist to provide information, give value to visitors and at the very least, have people a little more educated about the subject you’re blogging about before they leave.
For that very reason, I always tell people who are interested to blog about their passions. Simply put, “What would they blog about and would continue to blog about without being paid for a year”. If they can answer that, then they’ll be fine.
A lot of the time, affiliates which jump right in and look to blogs as a medium to earn money look at it as a 1-shot authority site which generates cash forever after that. Their goal is to get rich quick, to start up any site related to their niche, post 10 to 15 articles which are probably spewed out of some “Keyword Density Tool”, sit back, and expect to make money.
That used to work.
Years ago, that was exactly what Internet Marketers did and they were earning big bucks off it. However, that isn’t the case now. I wouldn’t go as far to say that I was glad that Google made changes to how they rank websites on their search engine.
Think about it for a second, as someone who uses Google on a daily basis do you want to see advertisements and reviews as the top results for everything you searched for on Google?
Do you want to have to browse through pages and pages of Google searches to find something that is relevant to what you actually searched for?
Yeah, I didn’t think so.
If your primary goal is to set up a website, post a few articles on it and then SEO the living daylights out of it, it’s going to be an uphill battle.
So now that you understand a little on my take on increasing traffic to your Blog, do you want to know what I do?
In a nutshell, I blog.
I blog often, consistently, and always try to provide value.
All of you thought I was going to give you tips on driving traffic to your Blog, right?
I intentionally titled this post, “Increasing Traffic to Your Blog the Easy Way” for a reason.
Easy doesn’t mean fast or immediate.
But it is effective.
Now there are a number of tips I can give you, but at the end of the day, it WILL boil down to you being a consistent Blogger who constantly answers questions your audience want answered.
These are just the bare bones of what I practice as a blogger:
- Community – Some people call this research, but that seems a little cold. To be honest, it’s best if you’re completely immersed in your niche. If it’s truly your passion, you’re sure to know people in real life to converse with about the latest news in your niche. However, keeping in touch with your niche will require a lot of forum browsing, reading and posting online.
- Set a Schedule – If you haven’t noticed already, I update my personal Blog at least 3 times a week. There are exceptions, but for the most part, it’s 3 times a week. You don’t have to do as I do, but you should if you’re starting out and vying for a larger audience. Remember, the key here is consistency. So if you can promise yourself that you will Blog twice a week religiously, do that.
- Networking – Visit other Blogs similar to your niche and comment on their Blogs. They’ll appreciate it, and you get a link back to your own Blog.
- Monetizing Your Blog – Remember, profits are secondary, especially at the beginning. However, if you are going to be putting up advertisements on your Blog, don’t use AdSense. My recommendation is to go with Affiliate Links that lead to products within your niche.
- List Building – If you’re in Internet Marketing, you need to know that List Building is important in the long run. I won’t get into the details, as it’s a really huge topic. It doesn’t drive traffic to your Blog per se, but it will get you started on monetizing better in the future.
If you’re reading this and thinking this method of Blogging is old-school, you’re right. Blogs which survived the Panda and Penguin Google updates are only those that weren’t considered spam in Google’s eyes. Reasons for that are because the Blogs were constantly being updated and obviously good reason for them being there.