Hi everyone!
The video above was taken just after National Achiever’s Congress in Hanoi, where I spoke to about 4,000 people.
In today’s blog post, I’ll be sharing with you how you can generate $1 billion in just 90 minutes.
I know that sounds like a crazy amount, but trust me when I say that it is possible. There aren’t many businesses in the world that will actually allow you to do this, but in fact, I actually generated that amount in Hanoi, right after my presentation…. though it wasn’t in US dollars, but in Vietnamese Dong.
Some of you may be going “Awwhhhh, man!” right now, but that’s still pretty good, right?
I had the great honor of sharing the stage here with Robert Kiyosaki once again, and one of the things I’d like to share with you is how at the end of the event, when I went on stage, I offered everyone a product which was about $1,000, and about 10% of the room signed up.
That’s 10% out of about 4,000 people…. So you can do the math.
400 people x $1,000 = $400,000
Not too bad for 90 minutes work, right?
Let me share with you the ONE skill that I used to do this:
How To Make $1 Billion in 90 Minutes
There aren’t many businesses out there that allow people to generate close to $1 billion in 90 minutes.
Now, the skill I’m about to teach you doesn’t need to be used only when speaking with a crowd of thousands. It could be one-on-one, one-to-five, or in the case of the Internet it could be one-to-millions (for example when doing a live webinar, or sales letter).
So how do you take what you know (your life experience, your passion) and transform that into a product that is monetizable both online and offline?
I was actually sharing this at the event as well – Now, if you really think about it, what is the difference between the ultra-wealthy and the middle-class?
The difference is: The ultra-wealthy do not necessarily trade their time for money. But when they do, they charge a lot of money for it.
Why? Because as long as you are trading your time for money, there’ll always be a “cap” or “ceiling” to the amount you can actually earn.
The only way to unlock that cap would be to stop trading your time for money.
Unfortunately, 90% of the world’s population only knows how to make money by selling their time.
The Answer: Products, Not Services
So one of the things you want to be doing is to stop selling services. Instead, you want to sell a product.
You want to be selling something that does not take up your time whenever a sale is made. In the online world, this could be like eBooks or membership websites.
Ultimately, 80% of your income should be coming from passive income streams.
So even if you don’t work, that income will still come in.
Meanwhile, the remaining 20% of your income should be from working income.
That way, you work only IF you choose to do so.
That is how you want to be strategizing your growth.
Understand one thing: The art of presenting and telling your story to an audience is one that you should develop and master, because it’s a very crucial skill.
The only reason most people are afraid to do this, is because in their minds they have this huge mental block that “selling” is a bad word. They don’t want to look salesy or pushy or manipulative.
But understand that everything in business starts with a transaction. And ultimately sales is really just the transfer of feelings.
If you have a product that you genuinely believe in, that you know would change a person’s life if they bought it – you wouldn’t feel that mental block of selling.
So the question is, how do you sell?
One of the things that I’ve done, is I’ve actually prepared a free training for you guys. It’s about:
- how you package products together
- how you sell
- how you can close people both online and offline
You can find this free resource at www.closingforthemoney.com.
So if you’d like to learn how to acquire this skill – which is probably one of the most lucrative skills in the world – and learn how to close both online and offline without being sales-y, pushy or manipulative, then head over to that link right now.
I’ve done about 4 hours’ worth of free training there, and you’ll be able to find it all on that page.
BONUS TIP: How do you get ideas for products?
At the end of the day, when it comes to monetizing, always consider these 4 words: “solution to a problem”.
One of my bestsellers was from 2010: an online guide called Farmville Secrets.
I created that guide as a solution to a problem.
One friend of mine was telling me how she spent over $600 buying Farmville Cash.
I didn’t know what that was at the time, but I went online and found out that it’s a type of in-game currency which allows you to complete tasks faster and buy premium items in the game Farmville. And the game makers, Zynga, were making hundreds of thousands of dollars from selling it.
And on top of that, my friend also told me that she was having trouble sleeping because of the game. She told me how she would set her alarm to wake up at 3am each day so she could play the game and harvest her strawberries.
That may not make much sense if you don’t play the game. But as you can see – that was a problem as well. The game was costing her a ton of money, and affecting her quality of life.
So I created a guide that would help solve both those problems, teaching people how they could play the game without spending a ton of cash, and how to plan what crops they planted so that they didn’t need to wake up in the middle of the night just to harvest them.
I didn’t even play the game. I outsourced the content creation to someone else, and I just marketed it. And Farmville Secrets garnered about $1.3 million dollars in under 7 months.
So that’s how you get ideas for creating best-selling products: provide a solution to a common problem.
Ask yourself:
- how can I add more value?
- how can I help more people?
When you focus on that, you’ll find that money will be a by-product of helping others.
Okay, so I hope this post has brought you value. If you learned something here today, please leave a comment, or feel free to post a question.
I’ll see you very soon!