Finding joy in the journey of the learning process.
Dedication and Consistency
Have you ever wonder why legends like Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods are constantly on top of their game? The answer isn’t just about being ambitious, or brave but the habit of consistency. This applies to basically everything we do in life, whether it is business or whether it is a daily routine.
If I were to look back on my life, back in 2009, where I first started training with weights at the gym. I was set to achieve the body of my dreams. It is now seven years later, whatever I have achieved today, I am disappointed. To think out of the seven years of a journey, all I have accomplished is just this body, after all the training that I have done consistently with a personal training at least five days a week. However, the entire journey it was really a learning process for me. When I first started out, I had no idea the importance of nutrition or how much carbs I need or what macro is.
One thing I learn is that I have the patience, whether it is business or whether it is training at the gym, I may be competitive but the only person that I compared myself to it’s myself. So, my focus isn’t on the dream body I want to achieve in three months from now because that is what everyone is trying to sell. Most of the time, when you speak to a personal trainer, they will usually try to sell you a package on how to achieve the dream body in 90 days or what not. Now, frankly speaking, this approach is not sustainable.
Why? Because doing something sustainable means doing something that you can do every single day.
Consequently, goals are important. I have all these different goals and dreams, ultimately what I want to really achieve is finding joy in the entire process. I want to be able to enjoy the journey and life in general. You want to be doing what you love or doing something that you are great at. Because when I first started out in 2009, going to the gym was a chore to me. It requires a lot of effort and willpower. But today, it is something that I enjoy doing. Going to the gym is something that I look forward to every day.
My advice is to find the joy in the grind and find the consistency.
One of the biggest mistakes most people is doing is constantly starting something new. They could be trying on Forex, and then they will be trying on internet marketing and then a week later they have got to try something else. These people are known as dabblers, in fact, most people falls in this classification, I dare say.
It is not about how you start, but how you finish that makes all the difference.
So, ask yourself this, what brings you joy? Do you enjoy your day to day grind of running your own business or the work you are doing now? Share that with me because I would love to hear it from you.