In business and in life, our paths are filled with obstacles, struggles and challenges. When we are faced with difficulties, a storm of thoughts will automatically pop into our minds.
Our mind is the strongest tool that we have and it can create amazing results or become the most destructive force based on the thoughts that we have.
The 2 things that separate successful people with others are:
- The ability to control their thoughts
- The awareness of what they are allowing into their minds
One of the things that we should be aware of are the thoughts that support us and the thoughts that limit us and stunt our capabilities.
It is important to identify the type of thoughts that we have and to be able to tell the difference between a universal truth and a relative truth.
The difference between a universal truth and relative truth:
Universal truth = Fact
Relative truth = Belief
When faced with a challenge, obstacle or struggle; the first thing to ask ourselves is this – “Is this a fact or a belief?”.
A universal truth (fact) is something that applies to everyone regardless of gender, age and nationality. For example, the existence of gravity on Earth is a fact.
A relative truth (belief) on the other hand is merely an opinion that someone may have of themselves. For example, someone might think “I can’t start a business because I don’t have money” or “I’m too young to run a business”. These are beliefs, not facts.
The reason why these thoughts are beliefs is because chances are, there was someone out there with the same circumstances who managed to overcome the same obstacles and challenges.
Now – ask yourself, what are YOUR own limiting beliefs? Do you have thoughts that support you or limit you?
Watch the video here: