After shooting and uploading more than 500 videos… here’s what I learned.
Get this.
At least 80% of these videos bombed.
But the truth is, each one played a crucial part in taking this channel to where it is today.
It took a lot of patience and persistence but most of all, you need the right strategies in place.
I just released a video to share with you 5 things I wish someone would have told me when I started a YouTube channel.
literally spent an entire decade trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.
But that doesn’t mean you have to. Get ahead before you even start with this tutorial.
I started this channel in 2011 but it wasn’t until much later in 2015 when I’d started to pay YouTube more attention.
So why the sudden change of heart?
Well, for one… I was doing so many things wrong.
Once I hit the realization and started making tweaks, that’s when everything changed.
For starters, it’s not a one size fits all.
One of my mistakes was thinking YouTube and Facebook worked the same and so I would repost the same content on both platforms.
Tune in as I reveal everything you need to know before starting a YouTube channel.
Watch this video now: