The secret to pursuing your goal with unmatched determination and perseverance is through understand why you’re doing it.
Many times when people say they have a dream or a goal but they fail to execute it. The reason is because their “why” isn’t strong enough.
When I host my events in countries like Vietnam, 98% of people in the room does not speak english.
Even though, they don’t speak english, they have a translation booth set up in the back of the room and they’re all on translation headsets.
And that’s one of the things I admire most about Vietnam, their burning desire is strong and they know what is their “why”.
Knowing your “why” will get you through the tough times -the time where you have to wake up at 4 in the morning to work and the nights where you will have to sacrifice going out to the clubs with your friends.
If you can figure out the why. You will figure out the how.
What is your “why”?