Many people believe that it is impossible to earn a month’s salary that is greater than the annual income. We are conditioned to believe that we are paid based on the time that we put in. If you are holding on to such limitation, I want you …Continue reading
Idiot proof skills to make money from home
Working from home used to sound like a CRAZY idea. Well, guess what? It’s what millions of people have been doing across the world since the COVID-19 virus hit. But having to sit still doesn’t mean… you’re …Continue reading
The ONE sales strategy that blocks all the buts and what ifs
‘’But, Peng Joon…’’ No. No more buts or what ifs. When I first started out in speaking, I remember one event when I made ZERO sales. No one jumped to buy my offer. I had to walk back to the room with no …Continue reading
How I Became the #1 Affiliate for Traffic Secrets
About three years ago, Russell Brunson launched his book, Expert Secrets. When he launched this book, he held a contest, and I came in number one as the affiliate for this contest. First of all in order to win this contest, I needed to know …Continue reading
The ONE Facebook ads campaign objective that made all the difference
Don’t risk… … wasting any more time … making more mistakes that cost you $$$ by the minute I have been running Facebook ads for years and years now and yes, I’ve gone wrong countless times but today… It’s safe to say that I’ve …Continue reading