‘’But, Peng Joon…’’ No. No more buts or what ifs. When I first started out in speaking, I remember one event when I made ZERO sales. No one jumped to buy my offer. I had to walk back to the room with no …Continue reading
The ONE Facebook ads campaign objective that made all the difference
Don’t risk… … wasting any more time … making more mistakes that cost you $$$ by the minute I have been running Facebook ads for years and years now and yes, I’ve gone wrong countless times but today… It’s safe to say that I’ve …Continue reading
YouTube money is not in the views. Here’s the truth…
Guess what? We started running a YouTube ad back in April and ever since, it has gotten… 1.6 million views 13.4 million impressions 106,000 clicks So what does all this mean? Well, let’s get one thing …Continue reading
Just one strategy away from doubling the ROI…
*tick tock* And before you know it… hours and hours have gone by. When I first started out, I would spend countless hours trying to figure out a strategy to get more leads, increase my sales and upsells. You always want to think of …Continue reading
Are you still not letting YouTube pay you?
Yes. When I first jumped to social media, YouTube was the LAST on my list of priorities. Back then, I didn’t have anyone to show me how YouTube works and that you can actually make money from it. Now, I started this …Continue reading