I’m currently in Portland shooting a new training and I just wanted to take some time to show you what it’s like behind-the-scenes of a professional shoot. As you can see from the video above, I’m inside an expert studio with …Continue reading
Public Speaking
Thoughts at NAC Singapore 2015
I’m currently at the National Achievers Congress in Singapore for the second consecutive year and it was an amazing experience. The energy from the audience of thousands was electric and it’s always such a privilege for me to be …Continue reading
Speaking At National Achievers Congress
I just spent my last two weekends speaking at the National Achievers Congress in both Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. And while many people commended me on my "natural" speaking ability, I have to confess there's nothing natural about it at …Continue reading
Look Deeper To Find The Hidden Gem
Last weekend I attended Robert G. Allen's "The Fortune In You." It was a 3-day seminar that covered a lot on building the right mindset for success and how to become an infopreneur. That's basically an information entrepreneur, i.e. someone …Continue reading
You’re Awesome! *high-five*
As you'll be aware by now, I'm a huge fan of lifelong learning. Because I believe that if you're not learning, then you're not growing. You'll be stagnant. Never moving forward. Never improving. And never growing. As the saying goes, …Continue reading