Hi everyone! The video above was taken just after National Achiever’s Congress in Hanoi, where I spoke to about 4,000 people. In today’s blog post, I’ll be sharing with you how you can generate $1 billion in just 90 minutes. I know …Continue reading
Public Speaking
Proven Process to Making a World Class Presentation
This video was recorded in Chennai after wrapped up yet another successful session on stage at National Achiever's Congress with Brian Tracy. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you on how you can deliver a world-class presentation: …Continue reading
How you can tell your story and make a world class presentation
Hey everyone! I’m back again with another blog post on how you can make a world-class presentation: whether it’s a sales letter, sales video, a webinar, or in front of a live audience of thousands of people. I’ll also be teaching you …Continue reading
#1 Tip for Getting Past the Fear of Public Speaking
I just completed my live speaking event on stage in Oslo with Robert Kiyosaki and a ton of other amazing speakers at Masters of Wealth, Oslo! It was crazy from start to finish, the hall was packed from end to end. Right after the …Continue reading
The #1 Skill that Pays the Bills ONLINE and OFFLINE
In this blog post, I'm going to be sharing with you the #1 skill that pays the bills both online and offline. I bet you're curious as to what it could be. Imagine this: If you could have any ONE skill in business right now, what skill …Continue reading