I just completed my live speaking event on stage in Oslo with Robert Kiyosaki and a ton of other amazing speakers at Masters of Wealth, Oslo! It was crazy from start to finish, the hall was packed from end to end. Right after the …Continue reading
Peng Joon on Video
How to DOMINATE Periscope by COPYING these 18 Techniques
Some of you may have noticed that recently, I started doing live streams (or scopes) on Periscope. It's basically an app for either Android or iPhone that allows people to stream live via mobile, or to watch other people's streams. It's …Continue reading
Behind the Scenes to a World Class Video Shoot
I’m currently in Portland shooting a new training and I just wanted to take some time to show you what it’s like behind-the-scenes of a professional shoot. As you can see from the video above, I’m inside an expert studio with …Continue reading
Biggest Takeaways with Brendon Burchard
I just finished a 4-day live event at the Marriott in Santa Clara with Brendon Burchard so I thought I'd take some time to check in with you and share my biggest takeaways. Brendon and I met in Singapore earlier this year when …Continue reading
Case Study: Results in 6 Days Promoting a Winning Funnel
To see what this winning sales funnel that has generated $93,654.47 in such a short span, head over to: pengjoon.com/winningfunnel …Continue reading