This video was recorded in Chennai after wrapped up yet another successful session on stage at National Achiever's Congress with Brian Tracy. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you on how you can deliver a world-class presentation: …Continue reading
Peng Joon on Video
Behind-the-scenes at National Achiever’s Congress Hanoi
Hey everyone! This video was recorded LIVE behind-the-scenes in Hanoi, just before I stepped onto the stage in front of about 4,000 people at National Achiever’s Congress. I wanted to share with you what it felt like to wait …Continue reading
How you can tell your story and make a world class presentation
Hey everyone! I’m back again with another blog post on how you can make a world-class presentation: whether it’s a sales letter, sales video, a webinar, or in front of a live audience of thousands of people. I’ll also be teaching you …Continue reading
How to Make Money From Periscope
Not long ago I wrapped up my live event in Oslo, where I spoke to a high-energy group of people from about 6 different countries on how to make money using Periscope. So, how exactly does one use Periscope to make money? Well, here …Continue reading
3 Essentials to Surviving Crazy Long Flights
So here I am on the flight from London to Chennai. Half the time I'm at different parts of the world and if there's one thing I've become used to, it's travelling for long hours from one country to another. That doesn't mean that I'm …Continue reading