I am certain that hard work alone isn't enough to make you successful in business or in life. Yes, hard work pays off. It separates you from the majority of people who isn’t motivated to work hard in the things they do. …Continue reading
How Much Time Are We Spending On The Internet
I am gonna be sharing about how much is too much? Are you spending too much time on Facebook? Consider these thoughts. I want you to ask yourself this, are you spending too much time on the internet? Are you becoming too …Continue reading
How And Why You Need To Embrace The Suck
I am gonna be sharing about why you need to embrace the suck to succeed. Push yourself through it. People tend to see what happens on the surface level. The reason is that when people look at what I do today, they look …Continue reading
What Are Your Dreams In Life I Dont Care How Big It May Seem
Today, I would like to begin by asking you, what are your dreams or goals? List them down. Make your dream a reality. New year’s resolutions are usually fun to make but difficult to maintain. Every year I would have these few …Continue reading
How I Stay Committed With Just These Two Things
I am gonna talk about what commitment is and how it only comes down to two things to stay committed. Commitment is what transforms a promise into a reality. Today, the word “commitment”, is so commonly used and thrown around. …Continue reading