Blogs have come a long way from the ramblings and rantings of teenage girls about their crushes and periods or whatever. Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to build your brand, connect with your audience and capture …Continue reading
Increasing Conversions By NOT Lowering Your Price
Have you ever felt like you really really want something and it’s crazy awesome and you would totally buy it… if it wasn’t sooooo expensive? Price is often the one thing that stops people from clicking that “add to cart” button. And it …Continue reading
The Viral Poop Video
A lot of people struggle with marketing a boring product. Don’t be one of them. It’s not about creating exciting content about tax filing, hair loss or maritime law. It’s about exciting your target audience. You see, people don’t …Continue reading
3 Quick Ways To Improve Conversions Using Other People
The goal with using social proof is to influence your reader in ways that copy simply can’t. It’s one thing for me to say that I’m awesome and my company rocks balls. But it’s a whole other story when someone like Joel Bauer says …Continue reading
Screw Panda By Setting Up This One Thing
Back when I first started Internet marketing, I had a number of micro niche sites set up. If you’re a brand newbie to all this, a micro niche site is simply a website that focuses on a specific keyword and has only a handful of pages. …Continue reading