Have you ever noticed that whenever you have a conversation with someone that’s really curious and hungry for knowledge, their main question is not how, what or when?
But it’s WHY.
I was recently watching a Marvel movie with a 5 year old.
And some of the questions I got are…
Girl: Why is Thanos so evil?
Me: Not everyone in this world is good.
Girl: But why?
Me: Because there needs to be dark to have light?
Girl: Why?
Me: It’s science.
Girl: Why didn’t Captain Marvel help?
Me: She’s busy.
Girl: Why?
Me: That’s WHY you need to watch.
It’s always constantly why.
You’re probably wondering what does this have to do with us?
I think that the biggest takeaway in that evening with her was the realisation that as we get older, we lose that thirst for knowledge when it comes to understanding our WHY.
Cause what if that was the most important question of them all?
Why do you do what you do?
When you understand your why, your burning desire, your thrive, your ambition, you’ll understand everything else…
The what, the how, the mechanics will be answered through the why.
Ask yourself… do you have your why?
When you have a strong enough why, your why will help you through the late nights.
The WHY will…
… allow you to push through.
… motivate you to keep going even when logic tells you to give up.
… give you the confidence that you have it in you to figure things out.
Share your why with me by replying in the comment section below.