When it comes to online marketing strategies, social media marketing is one of the most effective methods.
Because 90% of Internet users use social media.
I know previously I made a post saying that email marketing is better – but I didn’t say that social media marketing is totally useless either.
In fact, it’s a must-have strategy in your arsenal, especially if you’re into things like affiliate marketing.
However, some marketers just end up ignoring social media completely, probably because no matter how hard they try to generate leads online, their marketing efforts are ignored, and their posts become part of the social media wallpaper.
There’s just too much noise and competition from other marketing messages on social media.
So you might be wondering how some marketers are still able to succeed at social media marketing, while others fail. What is the difference?
And how do you end up on the list of those who succeed?
Here are 5 mistakes you should avoid making when it comes to social media marketing:
1. Ignoring it altogether
Don’t underestimate social media’s power to be an effective marketing tool.
Before jumping onto other strategies that seem cooler and better, take some time to sit down and consider how you can use social media to deliver value to customers, or to add to the strength of your brand.
2. Being inconsistent
If you’re going to use social media, then you have to be consistent.
It takes time and regular participation from you to build up a following, to gain your followers’ trust and to become a member of the community.
Having a social media account isn’t social media marketing.
You need to engage with your audience, which means updating at least twice a week.
This is how you build brand loyalty, credibility and a good reputation.
3. Trying to be everywhere
One mistake people make when using social media is that they try to market on too many social media sites at once.
There’s no need to be on every single social media platform.
Consider which would work best for you, and which social networks can work together well.
Also, consider your target audience. Go where your audience is. If more of them are on Facebook rather than on Twitter or LinkedIn, then that’s where you need to be.
If you’re active on too many sites, that requires more time and effort to update them and network with your followers, so limit it to only those you need.
4. Think before you post
Things can go very bad very quickly on social media, because of the speed with which things can go viral.
Since you are probably building your brand image online, you don’t want to receive negative comments or attention, or worse, have your mistake go viral.
It’s not just about what you post, but how you respond to the people posting on your page.
Malaysians might remember Paradigm Mall’s little social media faux pas , or Amy’s Baking Company (which until now is still receiving negative comments on their Facebook page).
5. Talking But Not Listening
The best way to explain this is to say that social media is a conversation, and as we know conversations involve at least two parties who engage and listen to each other.
Don’t talk about yourself too much.
Don’t spam your followers with posts about your newest product or promotion.
Help others, share content that might be helpful not just to yourself, but to those who follow you. Answer questions and make recommendations. Don’t be a poor listener.