How to Self Publish a Book that does over $1,000,000. Discover the three specific ways on how to create, write, and publish these books even if you’re not a writer and you’ve got no experience in the publishing business.
I will reveal to you the same exact sales process and techniques that I utilized to create my best selling books. It’s not utilizing the conventional methods at all, it’s all about how you can finally get your message out there to the world.
This first method and this book, Content Multiplier Formula, has generated me millions of dollars throughout the entire sales process. How we did it is by utilizing this sales process called Free plus Shipping.
The way that I wrote this book is by creating a presentation where I utilized it at an event called Funnel Hacking Live. I delivered this keynote speech and I talked about the process. It was a framework that consists of nine steps, and all I did was I took that keynote, I passed it on to somebody else who was a writer, and this person created this book that has now made millions of dollars.
Now, it could be the case that you might not be a speaker. You might not be speaking on stages. But this first method to write, to create and publish a book is by imagining you’re gonna deliver the most important presentation in your life.
I will be showing you the marketplace, how to find freelancers, and specialists where all they do is write books and how they’re really good at them at a really inexpensive cost as well.
The mistake that I made when I first started out was I actually spent three years publishing this first book. The first draft, I tried to write it myself and it took me an entire year. I hated it, I rewrote it, and I still hated it.
I hired a ghostwriter, I told that ghostwriter what my story is, and it was me just constantly working with the writer back and forth. And I realized that even after spending three years publishing my first book, I hated it. That’s why I pulled it off Amazon because I wasn’t really proud of it, even though I spent so much time, effort, focus, and resources on that book.
I was focusing too much on a skill set, and that wasn’t a strength of mine. Notice that the three techniques that I will be sharing with you on publishing a book and how to get it out there is by doing it without writing a single word, but that was how I created this first book.
The second technique is what I utilized while creating my other book called Platform Closing. This book was created based on a training that I did, and it was based upon my experience speaking on stages, both big and small, and how I did it in more than 20 countries around the world.
All I did was I took a four hour training and passed it onto a ghostwriter who specifically specializes in taking videos and transcribing it into a book. For this book, I’m extremely proud of it, even though I didn’t write a single word of it. It was congruent with my voice, my teaching, my techniques, plus I was doubling down on somebody else’s strength.
I’m not a writer. If I were to try to write this book, it would probably have taken me an entire year and it would still not be a book that I’ll be proud of. Think of an existing asset, webinar, members area, or video where you could take it and pass it on to somebody else and have them put it into a book for you.
The third method is the process that I utilized to publish my book called, Million Dollar Ads. Basically, this boom was a compilation. In this sales process, I got my team to look up all of the different ads that converted really well for us, that we’ve spent millions of dollars on, and we put it into different frameworks.
There were the Dream 100 Ads, Reluctant Hero Ads, Hater Ads, Viral Meme Ads, and all these different ads that work in different industries. We then took these case studies and templates and proceeded to put it into a book so that people who want to understand how to take their ad game to a whole new level could cover shipping for this book where again, it’s utilizing free plus shipping method.
- The Motion Is What Creates The Emotion To Write The Book.
All these books I’ve published, I can say I’m proud of them because they’re congruent with my voice and messaging even though I didn’t write a single one of them. The thing that stops most people, is that they are ‘waiting for inspiration’ before writing their book. Now, let me ask you this, what if inspiration doesn’t arrive?
Rather than waiting, take the first step by creating and summoning inspiration from within. Start by either shooting or creating a set of slides or speaking in front of the camera, even if you didn’t feel like it, because when you make that first step, which is motion.
Even though you didn’t feel like it, your odds and your chance of taking that second step will be a lot higher. You’re gonna realize that at a certain point in time there’s no backing out now because you’re so close to completion. So take that first step or that next step, even when you don’t feel like it because it is the motion that creates the emotion.
- Do Your Due Diligence
One of the best selling books of all time, if not the best selling book of all time, in the area of money and wealth, is the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This book, that has sold over 100 million copies today, was written by the author who wasn’t even coming from the angle of being an expert.
He didn’t personally write the book through his experiences, but rather the experiences of others. He didn’t come from an angle of results. He interviewed the people that were successful at his time to understand their train of thoughts, belief systems, how they’re wired, and he compiled all of that into a book. And that book made him very, very rich.
You can do the same in your industry too if you just did your due diligence. Interview the experts, document what it is that you’re doing, compile it in one source and that one thing could then generate credibility and sales for you the same way Napoleon did it.
- Print On Demand
The last thing that stops a lot of you from ever publishing this book is you claim you don’t know any book publishers or you don’t understand how book publishing works. Today, there are a lot of platforms that are printed on demand.
For example, Amazon, they’ve got a print on demand service where you can take your Microsoft Word files or PDF files and upload it to them with a cover, and that’s it. Amazon will actually print it for you and their publishing arm is called CreateSpace. So when you want to print any number, say, 100 copies or 1000 copies, they will actually print on demand.
Unlike traditional methods where you might need to commit to printing 10,000 books or more and your house ends up becoming a warehouse, CreateSpace is printed on demand. That means if you get 10 copies, they print 10 copies and ship 10 copies. If you get one copy today, they print out one copy and send out one copy.
Let’s move on to that final thing, which is how do we find the right person with the right skill set to get this book published. There are a lot of freelancing websites and the site that I want to talk about today that specifically specializes in books is a website called Reedsy.
Reedsy is a site that I utilize to meet editors and designers to get my book to the marketplace. The reason why I like this site over other generic freelancing sites is because this site only focuses and does book publishing.
If you want the interior of your book done nicely, they have people who specifically specialize in that. Or if you want somebody to proofread the book, there’s somebody who specializes in just proofreading as well.
Unlike a traditional, typical freelancing site, this site literally just does book publishing. Once you log in, there is the marketplace and then you’re going to see there are all these different people, editors, proofreaders, the person who comes out with manuscript, etc.
- Ghostwriter
So based on the different options that I showed you, what you want is number one, find a ghostwriter, where the scope of work is either going to be giving them a two hour video to transcribe, or a membership site training and taking that bunch of videos and putting it in a book.
- Proofreader
Number two, even though a person is a good ghostwriter, the second thing you need to do is have somebody proofread the entire thing. You don’t want the same person doing it because for something like that, you’d need a new set of eyes to proofread and edit the entire thing.
- Designer
And finally, the third person that you want is somebody that does the interior design so that the inside of the book is formatted nicely with the paragraphs in place, suitable fonts and it fits the layout.
If you want the full fledged service, these are the three main types of people that I utilize on a site like Reedsy, where they have ghostwriters, editors, and the designers for the interior as well as the exterior of the book.
That is my secret of how I published a book without writing a single word and how I got my million dollar funnels published in written form. Discover the full process from how I wrote my best selling books all the way to publishing with little to no experience whatsoever by clicking here. Let me know what you think in the comments!